Hardware Maintenance Diskette Version 176
GetHostId A GEO-SLOPE utility to help determine available HostIds. (1.3 MB) Aladdin HASP Driver For use with USB Keys on Microsoft® Windows® 8.0 and earlier. (4.8 MB) Retired September 2013 Sentinel System Driver For use with parallel port hardware keys on Microsoft® Windows® NT/2000/Server 2003/XP. (4.8 MB) Sentinel System Driver - Windows Vista® For use with parallel port hardware keys on Windows Vista® only.
(9.3 MB) Sentinel Medic Troubleshooting utility to help diagnose SentinelPro™ problems. (1.5 MB) Netinel Medic Troubleshooting utility to help diagnose or prevent NetSentinel™ problems. (490 KB) NetSentinel™ Network License Server All you need to run a NetSentinel™ license server. (506 KB) (PDF, 293 KB) NetSentinel™ Security Monitor Administration and troubleshooting tool for NetSentinel™ servers.
Download IBM - Lenovo Thinkpad Maintenance Disk v1.72 1.72 This is the well sought IBM Maintenance Disk v1.72. You can do lots of diagnostic tests on your laptop, including changing/correcting the serial numbers. Please use it responsively. This is a very good piece of software. LCD unit (see. LENOVO ThinkPad Hardware Maintenance Diskette Version 1.76 or later.
(104 KB) (143 KB) (143 KB) NetSentinel™ Server Address Program For configuring the license server on a GeoStudio 2004 client computer.