Wiimote Whiteboard 13 Download
This video demonstrates an interactive whiteboard set-up with the overhead projector flashing from the rear. The (IR-pen) infra-red pen activates when pushing the pen against the glass. This way the drawing and writing experience comes very close to the real thing. I am using the Smoothboard software to calibrate the Wii-remote and RM Easiteach next Generation or Open-Sankore for the interactive whiteboard interface. I'am really impressed by the handwriting recognition feature provided by Easiteach next Generation. Canon f166400 toner. Both Open-Sankore and Easiteach are loaded with useful feature that will assist you while teaching.
The topics related to Wiimote Whiteboard are wiimote whiteboard, download wiimote whiteboard, download wiimote whiteboard gratis, 0. Smoothboard is the latest Wiimote Whiteboard Wii Whiteboard software that allows. You can download Smoothboard 2.x and activate the. Sep 26, 2012 (Note that the Wiimote Whiteboard version 1.3 is not in the main body of the link but in the comment section of that same page). Both softwares are free, to use and download.
Open-Sankore is free and a little easier to use for beginners. Easiteach, is a commercial software with more features. You can download Open-Sankore at and a 30 day trial version at.
Try them out and let me know what you think.
For people wanting to have an interactive whiteboard but don’t have the money, has found the solution. Using a Wiimote, he can track an infrared lightsource (like an LED) and use that to control the mousecursor. I tried some software on the Mac and the PC, and I actually got both to work without too much trouble. The infra-red pen Please note that you need some kind of Infra-Red emitting device. In my first tests to see if the software works, I used a TV remote. This is a bit clunky, so next on my list is to build a simple infra-red pen this weekend.
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I noticed a lot of people building infra-red pens by directly connecting an LED to a battery, which will possibly ruin your LED very quickly because there’s too much current running through it. An LED is a diode, and it needs to be limited in current. The only right way to do it is follow. Whiteboard app on the Mac: I was amazed about how well this worked. I was expecting a lot of experimental stuff, but instead, this is all you have to do: • Download by Uwe Schmidt. • Enable bluetooth on your mac.
• Start the WiimoteWhiteboard.app • On the Wiimote, press buttons 1 and 2 simultaniously to put it in “detectable” mode. If the Wiimote was already on, you may need to press the red button in the battery compartment. • After pairing is complete, press the “calibrate” button and follow the instructions. I did these steps on an intel Mac mini and it worked beautifully. You can pair up to 2 Wiimotes to increase reliability. Whiteboard app on the PC: This is slightly more work, but does not include steps which are strange to regular Windows users: • Download and install the • Download Boon Jin’s for Windows.