Mulberry Serial Number Check
Please note that my guide focuses on recent collections, I'm afraid I don't have much experience regarding vintage bags. I've written this guide from my experience - I am by no means a Mulberry expert. I'd place a safe bet that the majority of mulberry bags auctioned on ebay are fake - I made the mistake of buying one!
I've since bought a few real bags from Mulberry and have prepared this guide as a result. There are a lot of replica bag websites out there (just google fake mulberry or the likes and you'll soon find some) and it is scary how good some of the fakes are. A lot come with mulberry shop tags, care cards and boxes, I suspect a lot of people buy bags from these sites and re-sell them on ebay passing them off as authentic to make a profit. The bags I feel most qualified to talk about are the ones I have: Bayswater, Effie, Alana, Somerset pouch, Poppy and Belle, the fake bag I bought was a Roxanne. I have friends who have a Small Mabel, a Blenheim and a Phoebe so I know a little bit about them too. From checking out the Mulberry Website I have also been able to identiy fake Emmys, S omerset Totes, R oxanne Totes, Mabels and East-West Bayswaters. There is another ebayer's guide out there on Annie bags which I found very informative.
Wondering how to distinguish a fake from a genuine Mulberry Alexa? Watch me give you some pointers!
I have recently purchaseda Del Rey and plan to include some information on this bag shortly. I'll start with general points then I'll cover bags individually. • Watch out for titles describing bags as 'in the style of' or 'looking like' • Just because a seller says it is 100% authentic - doesn't mean it is eg many say 100% genuine leather Roxanne bag - this could just mean it is genuine leather not a genuine Roxanne • Check out what other items the seller has sold - are they are selling multiple mulberry items?
How likely is someone really going to sell lots of 'unwanted' expensive bags complete with tags at a fraction of their real value? • Check feedback - what have they sold previously, do they have much feedback etc. Bear in mind though that not everyone will know that they have bought a fake. • Are a lot of their auctions private?? Sellers sometimes use this as a way of disguising what they have sold previously - still check their feedback though as sometimes a buyer will state what they have bought eg 'great bag' • Check the grammar / language used in the sellers description - if they can barely string english together, avoid. Some fakes come in from overseas.
• Are the photos stock photos or photos of the actual bag you are bidding on? • Deal only with ebayers who use paypal - that way there is an element of protection. Paypal by no means guarantees you your money back (I've been stung by this).
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• The bags tend to come with dust bag, tag and carecard - but very rarely do you see one come with a receipt - you'd think if someone has gone to the effort of keeping the tags on the bag they would still have the receipt. Ask if an original receipt (not a photocopy) is available.
• What colour is the bag - is it a colour/material that Mulberry have actually produced bags in?? The Mulberry Web page may help you do this (link at the bottom).
• Dust bag - the real ones are high quality with a gold tree printed on them (bottom right corner - on both sides) - the fake felt like a dusting cloth and had poor stitching, the tree was printed on but the gold was not as bright. The real dust bag is more of a burgundy/brown colour, the fake was brown. (photo of genuine bag). Mulberry also produce dust bags in white with a dark tree.
• Shop tag - is attached with black string onto the real bags. It was attached by a plastic tie on the fake bag.
Fakes do have them attached with string - so don't just go on this alone • Genuine care cards can be brown as shown above or cream as shown below • • The genuine bags do not come with a 'genuine leather' tag in the shape of cow hide. Believe it or not I saw a fake Roxanne tote with one of these - even although the real bags are made from vynl! • Inside the bag - the fake had no 'made in' label inside.