Knigu Matveeva Vvedenie V Makroekonomiku
Atlas vremennykh variatsii prirodnykh protsessov (Atlas of Temporal Variations of Natural, Anthropogenic, and Social Processes), vol. 1: Poryadok i khaos v litosfere i drugikh sferakh (Order and Chaos in Lithosphere and Other Spheres), Nikolaev, A.V. And Gamburtsev, A.G., Eds., Moscow: OIFZ RAN, 1994.
• 46 Downloads Abstract According to B.L. Berry’s “harmonic model,” any natural or social process is a superposition of several cosmic rhythms. The author assumes that stability of these rhythms allows prediction of earth phenomena over an unlimited time. Fujitsu flash mcu programmer fmc16lx download. We show that the statistical criteria supposedly substantiating the harmonic model were applied incorrectly. The initial data for the analysis were biased and selected incompetently; the adequacy of the methods used was not verified.
Predictions of natural catastrophes (earthquakes, weather anomalies, etc.) and various social events according to Berry’s model are unsatisfactory. Statistics do not confirm that these predictions are at least slightly better than random guessing. Berry’s model is unacceptable; it is untenable both in detail and in general.