Fmod Sound Bank Generator
The now contains a link to the FMOD starter project generator. If you want to make an aircraft that is FMOD enhanced, you must start with this starter project! If you already have an FMOD project, please copy the events into this new starter project. When can an FMOD project be shared? • Use only one starter project for an entire family of.acf files that share an ACF folder.
These ACF files will share the master bank in the FMOD folder, so you need one project for all aircraft. (Each aircraft gets its own.snd file in the FMOD folder.) • You must use a new starter project fore each aircraft in a new folder – you should never have a single project with banks copied into two different FMOD folders!
We are working on more documentation on how to use FMOD, but with the sample project, you have everything you need to create an FMOD-enhanced aircraft. Hi, Tyler, Ben, Is there anything else you have to do for AI aircraft to use properly a FMOD bank, besides exposing the sounds with `EVENT_ALLOWED_FOR_AI`? I’m having this problem where the sounds works perfectly on jets when I fly them, but not when they’re used as AI aircraft. They don’t seem to modulate the `sim/flightmodel/engine/ENGN_N1_[n]` dataref, so the engines cannot be heard spooling up. I filed a bug with a small complete aircraft attached just in case, but perhaps there was something obvious I’m missing here.
A file with the FSB file extension is an FMOD Sample Bank Format file. These types of files are usually used to store sound information, like music and speech, for video games designed for popular console systems like the Xbox, PlayStation, and others. A lightweight music player using the FMOD/FMOD Ex sound library. To associate music file to MusicPlayerEx, use 'MusicPlayerEx.reg Generator.bat' file.
Thanks a lot for making the starter project and documentation available. While I have so far worked out everything I need, there’s one question or problem that really bugs me. Is there any way to have sound project at certain angles or to create a sound cone? So far, I’ve tried to emulate the directional projections that are so characteristic of engine sounds by positioning the events rather where you would here them with the highest intensity and then tuning envelopment and size. But it is a poor substitute for a real sound cone, because I can’t properly control e.g. How much the fans’ sound bleeds into the space BEHIND the engine (only by having it drop off in volume rather quickly which again messes up the mix in front).
Any help would be immensely appreciated! Hi Oliver, Funny you should mention that! First, FMOD _does_ have sound cones – there are built-in parameters that you can use that come from the spatial relationship of the listener and event. “Event Cone Angle” will do it.
Now you’ve hit something that we hit – the sound cones work at a single direction per event, and that’s not useful when you want to layer four engine sounds pointing in four directions from a single event attachment in X-Plane. Chris has addressed this – in X-Plane 11.02 we’ll have an additional parameter that gives you the absolute heading and pitch _relative to the event_ of the listener. This lets you set up volume cross-fading in multiple quadrants (front, left side, right side, back) for a single event using multiple recordings. We use this in our Cessna, where we have engine recordings on all four sides of the aircraft. We’ll get the docs updated when 11.02 goes beta – should be this week. I’ve managed to get several AI jets with sound on the platform, each doing its thing, spooling up, being pushed back, taxiing to the runway.
It really is beautiful and unprecedented in X-Plane, love what you’ve done with FMOD 🙂 A couple questions though. I’ve noticed the sound from the AI planes comes out a bit muted, that is, if you put the camera near an AI jet, it doesn’t sound as loud and clear as when that jet is the one you’re flying. I think that doesn’t happen when you use the Cessna as AI plane. Is there something wrong I’m doing? As per your recommendation, in my project all engine sounds are routed to the Exterior Processed/Aircraft bus, and there’s a snapshot with intensity coupled to the inside_ratio dataref, which muffles the Exterior Processed bus, but it shouldn’t mute the exterior sounds when the aircraft is used as AI, right? Also, I tried being inside the Cessna and the sound of the other airplanes is heard exactly the same volume and clearness whether I’m inside or outside the Cessna, as if the sound isolation was not working. With my project is the same, as if the AI planes are not routed thru the right bus.
Please bear with me here, this is all new to us! Yeah, it’s new to us too – it’s very likely you’ve hit a bug in X-Plane or something. Here’s what is _supposed_ to happen: when we evaluate the inside ratio for an AI aircraft’s event, we always set the inside ratios to 0. Thus if you have separate inside/outside recordings, the AI should always play its outside engines into the exterior processed bus, giving you all and only the processing that the user’s plane creates.