Epson Printer Reset Software 1410
• 705 Answers SOURCE: Turn off the power and look inside the machine to the right hand side. Just in front to f the print head you will see a white plastic dowel (see photo). Use something technical - like a finger, pen or screwdriver - to push this dowel in. You can then move the print head by hand to the middle of the carriage. Once moved, turn the printer on and watch it travel back to the home position. If after returning home the dowel pops back out and does not retract itself, you will need to strip the machine out and rebuild the ASF section.
Feb 1, 2010 - Download Resetter for Epson 1410. Post really useful for people who doesn't have much information about resetting printers. To contact Epson America, you may write to 3840 Kilroy Airport Way, Long Beach, CA 90806 or call 1-800-463-7766. Printers & All-in-Ones Scanners. Google scholar.
Sounds hard but its just a few plastic parts to take apart and reassemble whilst looking to see if anything is broken. Get a service manual; for the machine if you need to strip it out. Posted on Sep 19, 2008.
• 1 Answer SOURCE: I modified a little what Worldvet had done. I opened the door as if to change the ink cartridges. I first used a pair of needle nosed pliers and carefully took out the sponge type pad which is along bottom of the printhead travel lane. One will see the two center plactic guides within this lane. The sponge is very delicate, so be very gentle in removing it.
It has ink residue in it so use gloves if necessary and upon removal place the sponge on a paper towel folded in triplicate so the ink does not bleed through the towel. Remember to what position it was before removal, so there is no problem when you try to replace the sponge after cleaning.
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The second sponge I removed as follows: With the power on, I pressed the ink cartridge removal light (red) (far left) once. This moved the print head to the 'far left', before the position to change cartridges. With the power still on and the printhead to the far left, I was able to very gently (with the same needlenose Pliers) remove the sponge under where the printhead was parked. It too is very delicate and be careful not to rip it. It too, one will find, has two plastic slots on the botton which the sponge will have to be returned into. I then turned the printer off, which caused the printer head to return to the parked position. I took both sponges, and with Alcohol (Pharmacy type), I placed the sponges in a disposable plastic bowl and filled it with the alcohol.
I gently used the needle nosed pliers (Closed) as a device to gently press on the sponges which were submerged into the alcohol. I continued to alternate up and down the sponge pads, causing the alcohol to dilute and clean the pads. When the alcohol became saturated with the ink from the pads, I took the pads out of the alcohol bowl and placed the pads on a triple folded paper towel so the remaining ink would not bleed through anything.
I then took the bowl of alcohol/ink and while I flushed the toilet and the water was going down, I emptied the alcohol down the middle of the water spout as the toilet water was completing its flush. This keeps any ink from touching any porcelion. I then refilled the plastic bowl again with fresh alcohol and resubmersed the pads, just incase there was any ink still left in them. Upon pressing on the pads and the alcohol remained clear (indicating all the ink was removed) I again used another set of paper towels, trippled, and placed the pads onto the paper towels, and squezzed them dry. I disposed of the alcohol the same as before. I then, first replaced the large pad onto the printhead travel lane, back into the same position, being careful that the holes and slots fits back into its proper position and the edges are tucked under the proper hooks (little plastic hooks attached to the side of the travel lane). Upon reinstallation I pressed gently on the pad to make sure it was secure.