Cod5 Private Server Patch 17
Hello, I received many questions about how to join the server in Cod Waw, so i decided to make a slightly improved version of thread. Needled, thanks for the doing the most stuff! How to join the server in Call of Duty: World of War (CoD5). Step 1 Download or buy Call of Duty: World of War (CoD5). To Join the server you do not need a crack! So don't worry about not having any crack Step 2 Download all patches for Multiplayer gameplay: 1.1 patch -------------- 1.2 patch -------------- 1.3 patch -------------- 1.4 patch -------------- 1.5 patch -------------- 1.6 patch -------------- 1.7 patch -------------- Step 3 Install these seven patches. Side note: Start at patch 1.1 and end with patch 1.7!! Right now.
Thread: CoD 5 1.5 Privat Client Patch (NOT BY ME). These are some servers i use + these have rankings on websites so you still can check. Gunv13 (),jureisus123 (),MiXeRlPL (),Raider_321 ().
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Step 4 After installing all the seven patches, it is time to install the 'Private Client Patch'. This patch is needed for entering the server. Private Client Patch -------------- On this page you need to find that patch!!!
(name of the patch): Call of Duty: World at War v1.7 [WINDOWS] PRIVATE CLIENT PATCH. And download it!!!
You can also use 'ctrl+f' and paste 'Call of Duty: World at War v1.7 [WINDOWS] PRIVATE CLIENT PATCH'. It is the second and also the last hit. Download the patch and install it. Step 5 After downloading and installing all the patches it is time to finally play the game! When you want to play, always follow the next steps: a] Run Call of Duty: World at War v1.7 [WINDOWS] PRIVATE CLIENT PATCH You will see this: b] Rrun Call of Duty 5 --> CodWaWmp.exe c] Ignore all instructions about making an online profile.
Just press Cancel, then No, and then again Cancel. D] In the servers menu press F3 (maybe two times) e] Join on the server IMPORTANT: Always when you want to play Call of Duty: World at War (CoD5) Multiplayer you need to repeat these steps ( a - e ) Step 6 If you have finished playing, just quit the game. To quit the Private Client Patch, press f5. How to join the server in Call of Duty: World of War (CoD5) --> When having a German Version Thanks to floda i know that having a german version, the installation is a bit different.
Patches Players with german version can use the international patches 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, but need german patches from 1.4 to 1.7. 1.4 patch: 1.5 patch: 1.6 patch: 1.7 patch: Pressing F1 instead of F3 Payers with german version of WaW need to press F1 (maybe two times) instead of F3. Maybe cause the german version is cut in violence and nazi symbolism, so its a complete other version and needs other patches. (Just because the server location is Germany and many german players play there, maybe it could help.) Any Problems? Many people asked how it comes that they couldn't launch or find the CodWaWmp.exe.
For some reason the file is corrupt in many downloads. But i have got the solution, you guys can use mine!
CodWaWmp.exe -------------- After you downloaded this file, change.dm_1 to.exe This is now your new Multiplayer file, step 5b!! If you have any other problems, don't hesitate but ask! Use Xfire or Forum Additional Information 1] It is smart to add both JFF servers to your favorites. Here are the IP's of both of our servers. =[JFF]=Cracked server #1: =[JFF]=Hardcore cracked server #2: 2] Don't forget to change your name before entering the server.