Chloe Bag Serial Numbers

Chloe Bag Serial Numbers 3,2/5 2510 reviews

Coach bags are iconic for a reason; this classic brand, first launched in New York City in 1941,c reates high-quality, hand-crafted leather goods that never go out of style. But their high demand means there are a lot of imitators out there; Coach bags and wallets are often copied illegally, with knockoffs available online, on street corners, out of sketchy car trunks!

The only way to know your Coach bag is a true original is with the bag’s serial number. Open the handbag and find the serial number tag. This is a leather patch with the Coach logo and motto, typically sewn in directly under the interior pocket zipper. The serial number is at the bottom of the tag and contains a minimum of 4 letters and 4 numbers. Call at 1 (904) 741-3090 and give the representative your serial number.

All the Chloe bags I've seen have the tag fully stitched in. Does it have a serial number somewhere on the inside? The serial number would appear as such: XX-XX-XX (where the X's are numbers). However, even some fakes go so far as to have fake serial numbers. All the Chloe bags I've seen have the tag fully stitched in. Does it have a serial number somewhere on the inside? The serial number would appear as such:.

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All authentic Coach bags are registered with the company in their database and the rep will be able to verify the bag’s authenticity. You can also visit a Coach retail location. The manager or sales associate will be able to do a database search to let you know if your bag's for real.

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